In addition, the duo also completed an additional task to release several bolts for the upcoming iROSA installation on the 4A power channel on the port truss.
During the spacewalk, Cassada was designated extravehicular crew member 1 (EV1) and wore a suit with red stripes. Rubio was designated extravehicular crewmember 2 (EV 2) and was in an unmarked suit.
It was the 256th spacewalk in support of space station assembly, upgrades, and maintenance, and was the second spacewalk for both astronauts. Cassada and Rubio are in the midst of a planned six-month science mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration missions, including lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program.
The next U.S. spacewalk is scheduled for Monday, December 19, to install an iROSA on the 4A power channel on the port truss. This will be the fourth iROSAs out of a total six planned for installation. The iROSAs will increase power generation capability by up to 30%, increasing the station’s total available power from 160 kilowatts to up to 215 kilowatts.
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