Vaisala, поставщик метеорологических, экологических и промышленных измерений, объявила о выпуске своей новой лучевой метеостанции, которая представляет собой компактное решение для городов, дорожных властей и промышленных зон для мониторинга погоды и окружающей среды.
Гибкая и масштабируемая метеостанция позволяет общинам использовать преимущества погодных, экологических и дорожных наблюдений для локализации информации в соответствии со своими конкретными потребностями, будь то оценка дорожных условий, загрязнения воздуха или других экологических проблем, отметила Висала.
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Beam is designed as a turnkey monitoring station that provides access to reliable information on air pollutants, solar radiation, flooding, snow depth, water level, visibility, road conditions, pavement temperature and current weather conditions.
Due to its small size, Beam can be deployed virtually anywhere. And thanks to its affordable price point, the new station allows for stakeholders to deploy effectively denser observation networks which support the needs for increasing capabilities to understand weather and optimize processes accordingly.
Beam station aggregates insights and delivers them directly to the customer’s back-end system. Select measurements can also be viewed via Vaisala’s cloud services.
“Our customers require more flexibility in the parameters they monitor and how the information is distributed, and we answered with the best-in-class Beam Weather Station,” said Paras Chopra, product manager, Vaisala.
“Unlike anything in the industry, our solution advances communities to make them more resilient to the effects of weather and poor air quality by providing accessible, actionable, easy-to-use, and affordable intelligence. Beam has been co-developed with input from some of the leading system integrators to improve the sustainability of our communities,” Chopra added.
«Zombie amateur evangelist. Incurable creator. Proud twitter innovator. Food lover. Internetaholic. Rigid introvert.»
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